
Over 70% Of Homeless People Who Go Through Our Program Get Off The Streets and Become Fully Self Sufficient

Just for a moment put yourself in the shoes of someone who has fallen victim to homelessness…

They spend each day in a hamster wheel of struggle and desperation as they fight just to have basic human necessities…

Imagine trying to set up a good life for yourself while you can’t manage to be properly fed, are unable to clean yourself, and being forced to call the cold sidewalk home every night… 

Your Donation Doesn’t Just House Someone For A Night… It Houses Them For A Lifetime

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Donation Total: $120.00

Even if you spent all of your remaining time and energy on trying to help yourself… It’s almost Impossible.

Sadly this is the harsh reality for 553,742 Americans every single year…

At Homes Now! we have dedicated our lives to ending homelessness one person at a time

The Goal of HomesNow is to end homelessness one person at a time

Here’s why people from all walks of life, who go through our program are able to get to where they need to go and work toward self-sufficiency:

It Starts With Who We Choose To Help

  • We have an in depth and thorough application process

This is one of the most important steps of the entire process. Because of the time and effort required to apply to our program, we only receive applications from people who are actively playing a role in trying to better themselves and their situations.

  • We vet each person and choose as many people as we can who we believe will benefit most from our program

This decision to help those who are wanting to help themselves is crucial to make sure that the culture inside of our housing communities is a supportive and positive one on their road to self sufficiency 

Once Someone Is In Our Program, These Are The Principles Of How We Help:

  • We have a zero tolerance policy on any Drugs or Alcohol
  • To stay in the community, members are required to either be actively looking for a job or already have one
  • Once someone has a job, they are allowed to stay until they are able to save up enough money to fully support themselves going forward 
  • We maintain a safe and supportive community that has never once had to had to get the cops involved

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It, Hear What Real People Who Went Through Our Program Have To Say…

“I came across Homes Now and they gave me the chance to sober up and to find a way to improve my life. I got the ability to look for a job, and in the process I got to learn new trades that made this possible and doing so has made me a better person!” – David Morse, Homes Now! Resident

“Before coming to Homes Now! I was living under the bridge at Whatcom Creek… when I came here they got me clothes, a fan, soap, and everything I needed at that time… it is safe, comfortable, and calm here” – Round, Homes Now! Resident 

“When I first got here I was jobless… Now I’ve been able to find a good job and have been able to save money” – Dan L, Homes Now! Resident


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Without The Kindness Of Donors Just Like You, People like David, Round, and Dan Would Be Sleeping On The Streets Tonight

Donate And Become The Reason Behind Our Next Success Story!

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Donation Total: $120.00